One Good Thing
Launched on Product Hunt -
Dealing with uncertainty and helpless guilt during the pandemic time makes it hard to function and process everyday things. As a little step, here's one way to fin something new and indulge in it to find some motivation.
What's One Good Thing?
One good thing is a curated repository of ideas and thoughts to keep you motivated during tough times. Feeling overwhelmed and looking for something feel-good? Discover an activity that can restore goodness.
How to use One Good Thing?
This web/mobile app you download is a public curation, so the more you think you can help others find goodness in the little things that worked for you, the more magic it creates. :)
You can also find what others liked doing, and mark some activities as favorite to revisit and try again.
Do add your good things and together let's seek solace in simple joys.
One good thing awaits...
Connect with me on Twitter, if you have any goodwill or suggestions. :)
You'll get to access an app full of feel-good ideas and little joys.